
Chipmunka Classics Blog

In April 2015 Chipmunkapublishing launched a brand new imprint, ‘Chipmunka Classics’ Chipmunka has been awarded Arts Council funding to publish five books between April 2015 and January 2016. Every author that follows the standard submission process was considered for the Chipmunka Classics imprint and we now have our five incredible titles ready to be published. We have now […]

Writing, Catharsis & Mental Health

Hi Guys, I thought that this week I’d give you a bit more of my personal background and explain how writing and publishing has benefited me and my mental health. In 2001 I found a way out. I discovered that writing down my innermost thoughts and feelings was cathartic and hugely therapeutic process. A process […]

3 Day Empowerment Seminar

My name is Jason Pegler and I am the CEO and founder of Chipmunkapublishing. I would like to invite you to take part in a special three day seminar DVD course. The video featured here shows feedback from some of the attendees of my latest 3 Day Marketing Seminar and now you have the chance […]