
With Authentic Stains


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998 in stock


By Peter Vealey

ISBN: 9781847477439
Published: 2008
Pages: 66
Key Themes: poetry, addiction, depression, music, breakdown, hope


The words in the music I have loved, have inspired and influenced me and are also paramount, which is why there are songs/lyrics within, their rhythm is in this collection.
My whole life has been and remains the search for a meaningful life, to challenge stigma and prejudice in society, to search for a fairer society with a better sense of social justice and community.

About the Author

I am Peter Clifford Vealey, now fifty five years old. I was born in post war Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire.
I have had three breakdowns at 24, 40 and 51. I think, like many people, I had an underlying depression before my first hospitalisation in winter 1976.
I have had various and varied employments, up to the early 1990s, since leaving school at 16, without finding any real sense of belonging anywhere. The best part of that time of my life was the friends I made, many of whom I still have. I have never been particularly materialistic.
My abiding passions have been and remain poetry, football and music, not necessarily in that order.


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