
With Anger Comes Hope


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102 in stock


Volume One
By Helen Care

ISBN: 978-1-84747-228-1
Published: 2007
Pages: 159
Key Themes: poetry, mental health outreach support worker, sharing personal experiences, family



Helen Care has used poetry throughout her life to give her a way of thinking about and processing events. In this collection of poetry, dedicated to the memory of her grandfather, she brings her work together and to a public audience for the first time.

About the Author

Helen Care is a mental health outreach support worker for Turning Point. She uses her own experience and knowledge to help others and now she hopes to share her thoughts with a wider audience. Although this is her first volume of poetry, Helen is no shrinking violet. A singer/songwriter she has written and performed almost 100 songs, both as part of a band and solo.

Book Extract

You were born at the crack of dawn
A restless child sometimes wild
You made such a noise broke your toys
Went to school and broke every rule

What they called teaching you called preaching
Between your jests they dealt out tests
But you never worked always shirked
You should’ve looked out but got chucked out

When you lost your aim, they forgot your name
Just one of the three million riding pillion
It was through the town you got tied down
She had the baby someone else’s maybe

Your very own child growing up wild
Wouldn’t learn so started to earn
Began to spend but soon to lend
Skipped on tax forgetting the facts

Lost your job becoming one of the mob
You took to drinking stopped your thinking
Had too much leisure and little pleasure
Soon fell ill and lost your will

Developed senility ending in fatality
Died in peace ending the lease
No one around to shed a tear
Like there was no-one dear


A flash of inspiration
A flash of white light
A flash of realisation
It’s comforting tonight

To know I’m okay
To know I’m not evil
To know I’m not in the wrong
This has been such an upheaval

It’s okay to have a different view
It’s okay to believe you’re not wrong
This does not make me evil
But why has it taken so long?

Years of pressure and fear
Years of God, Bad and Evil
Reached a point of no return
I’ve escaped Hell – but will I burn?

A flash of inspiration
A flash of white light
A flash of realisation
It’s comforting tonight

March 2002

You start to laugh
Tugging at my strings
That adorns my heart
Love is what you bring

Shoot a withering look
As you grab at my wrist
Don’t want to be let down
Trust me and take a risk

I’ve got your jumper
Do you want it back?
For it’s kept me warm
So cut me some flack

Chat away amiably
Bright – eyed and clear
Never a cross moment
Love you hold so dear

Share all your secrets
That darkens your heart
Step out into the open
Feel the chains fall apart

We’ve plenty in common
We have the same past
The present is where we’re at
Will our future last?

You start to laugh
Tugging at my strings
That adorns my heart
Love is what you bring

December 2005



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