A Harley Street Specialist Tells All!
By Gerard Kielty
ISBN: 978-1-84747-000-3
Published: 2006
Pages: 243
Key Themes: self-help, food intolerance, medication, physical illness, health and well-being
Cure your health problems the simple drug free way! Gerard Kielty I.R.B, I.D.A, a Harley Street specialist has written this highly informative book about his work in the field of food intolerance. This fascinating book explains, in a down-to-earth and simple to understand way, just how we are all poisoning ourselves with the food we eat.
Heroin grows in the ground, well so does a lettuce! So why is this not a drug also? It is a drug! Everything that enters our body is a drug and will have a positive or negative effect to our brains. Mr Kielty explains how more than 50 different health problems can easily be cured by avoiding the foods that cause them in the first place. This book identified the major culprits, the everyday foods that generally cause most health problems. Through extracts from numerous testimonial letters Mr Kielty highlights many different health problems and explains how and why they happen.
This book poses profound questions of the governing bodies within the medical profession and explains, in great depth, the considerable resistance that exists within the medical profession, the drug companies and many government agencies throughout the world to this advanced drug free path to good health.
About the Author
Born in Southern Ireland in 1947 I had a tough but exciting childhood. One of 11 children brought up in Portobello Road in the centre of London by hardworking and caring parents. My mum and dad were far from rich but they more than made up for that with the love they gave to each of us. In those days my idea of a treat was an Orange in my Xmas stocking and once a year if I was lucky a trip to the seaside. As time went on many of us children were bright enough to go to university but for us that was only a dream. What little money there was went into feeding and clothing the family and trying to keep up with the many other household bills. Human Biology was my favourite subject at school, the human body and how it works has always fascinated me. So I left school with my 5 0 levels and went to work as a darkroom technician in the x-ray department of a major London hospital. From there I studied further and was finally accepted as a student Radiographer, my mum and dad were so proud.
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