By Katherine Quilty
ISBN: 978-1-84991-589-2
Published: 2011
Pages: 93
Key Themes: mental health, autobiography, depression
Katherine Quilty’s autobiography “The Katherine Wheel” is an open and honest account of her life to date. At times very touching, poignant and disturbing. No stone is left unturned as Katherine writes about her ongoing battles with severe depression, bulimia, abuse, binge drinking, addiction and self harm to name but a few. The book aims to inspire the reader as well as promote the concept that recovery is an achievable reality for all.
About the Author
Katherine Quilty is 32 and lives in South London. Katherine was first diagnosed with depression aged 17, eventually ending up with the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder, and wrote this book as an aid to her ongoing recovery.
Graduating from University in 2001, Katherine has spent a large part of her working life in the public services.
Personal interests include challenging the stigma and negativity surrounding mental illness.
Book Extract
I never doubted that you cared but I question still why you had to stay all those years, and why you put us all through so much pain. Why? Why? I have always blamed myself and had immense guilt that for what seemed an eternity you wouldn’t go. I also remember many times having to sit in silence too scared to speak. I remember not speaking to you for ages until you cracked and asked what you had done. In my head I would be screaming is he having a bloody laugh? What has he done – more like what he hasn’t done? You stole our money for holidays and from birthdays and from Mum. You embarrassed us to the core with your drunken behaviour.
You were unpredictable and that was always what was so scary. Imagine having to pretend to sleep because you were too afraid of what you might see. Imagine hearing the most horrendous things so the only time to get peace was through sleep. In time that is all I wanted to do. You also asked us once if you were a bastard. I wanted to say yes, but was too scared to. I think you knew that was what we were really thinking though. You were meant to look after us on a Saturday, but instead locked us out of the front room whilst you watched hardcore porn on the TV. We screamed that we were bored but was just told to shut up. Your needs always came first.
It got so bad that we nearly lost the house because of you. If Mum wasn’t broken yet, surely that would have done it. The rows got so bad that I remember Mum charging you to eat any food that she had bought. Eventually you went after breaking us all. Was I 16 or 17? Not that it matters, the only significance that holds is that it was the start of my problems. No one could tell how bad they would become, but in hindsight I blame you. This is a major breakthrough, because for years I blamed myself.
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