Published: 2020
Pages: 32
Author Description
I am a mental health consumer who was hospitalised three times before I was 20. After completing studies in Traditional Chinese Medicine and International Public Health, I was introduced to the consumer movement in 2015 and have since become involved in multiple consumer representative roles on local, statewide and global committees. In 2017, I created the Mental Health Navigation Tool , a website that mapped the mental health and related services in my region. Since then I have worked in the Partners in Recovery program and currently work as a local area coordinator in partnership with the National Disability Insurance Scheme . I am also chairperson of a regional consumer and carer committee as well as the Australian representative on the Global Mental Health Peer Network.
Book Description
The Consumer Journey is a simple picture of the various roles that impact a person life with the lived experience of mental health as they rehabilitate and recovery from a mental illness. The Consumer Journey explores questions related to what is a mental illness, psychosocial disability, a mental health consumer, the domains of life, the role carers play and factors that influence the lived experience of mental health through the provision of prevention, promotion and early intervention services. The Consumer Journey also encourages a journey into the world of peer support, crisis and emergency care, the transition back into the community as well as the influence rehabilitation, recovery and consumer representation have in the development of programs, services and initiatives in the mental health system.
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