A Memoir in Dealing with Rape and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
By Elizabeth Mattke
ISBN: 978-1-84991-458-1
Published: 2011
Pages: 59
Key Themes: memoir, autobiography, rape, PTSD
Survival: A Memoir in Dealing with Rape and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is Elizabeth Mattke’s first book about her life from childhood to the present on how she has dealt with two rapes and post-traumatic stress disorder. She provides diaries and poems, and how she has made progress over the years. The journey is ongoing, but she is thankful for how the Lord has sustained her through it all.
About the Author
Elizabeth Mattke is happily married to her husband Jared. She was born April 4, 1983, and currently holds a Master of Liberal Studies degree from Fort Hays State University. One day she hopes to teach collegiate level and is currently working on her Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) from Columbia Southern University.
Although throughout her childhood, she never had PTSD. Elizabeth was secluded from the world, and had no idea of what was in store for her once reaching adulthood and attending college. Upon entering this decade in her life, she learned that nothing comes easy and it requires much work, especially when it comes to recovery. She started off with clinical depression and then later on after the first rape discovered that she has PTSD at her first intense therapy session. Approximately, three years later, she was sexually assaulted again, and this time it was much worse.
Through the years, she has ascertained ways in which to cope with her disorder. Elizabeth loves to read the Bible and many other books, write in her journal, play the flute, exercise, hang out with friends, travel, attend and speak at conferences, and more than anything spend time with her family. She lives by God’s Word because He has made her stronger through her circumstances. Her favorite passages of Scripture are Proverbs 3:5-6 and Jeremiah 29:11.
Book Extract
Chapter One: The Beginning
I was raised to show dignity and respect to authority and lived a sheltered life from the chaos in the world as a child and adolescent, which would carry on through adulthood. My parents are devout Christians, and growing up took an active role in the Christian church. For example, my mother, Marcella, was a Sunday School Superintendent before the title was changed to Children’s Minister. In regards to my father, Dan, he supported her through the years by encouraging us to go to the church and to get involved. This could mean working as a volunteer with worship, youth, adults, or the area where most help is warranted at that time. As a kid, I learned from their example, and had no idea that I was one day to go into full-time ministry in the church.
My family was not as close knit as my husband Jared. In fact, my oldest brother, Justin, was considered the “protector,” and frequently got into trouble, but he loved his family in the midst of his anger. I wonder if that is a trait first born children take on in the relations role. However, my middle/second brother, Travis, was the quiet one in the family, but was an excellent leader when working for my dad with his business “Lord’s Electric” and will one day takeover due to him inheriting it. He is now happily married and has three sweet adorable girls. Growing up, I was the “perfect child” because I never got into trouble unlike my siblings, and always worked hard at getting my homework in on time. I did not have many friends and remained focused on achieving my academic goals, which prevented me from joining any riff raff at my school. In fact, the one’s I was close to was Kaley and Amanda. My classmates looked up to me on many occasions for spiritual advice, and I did the best I could to answer their questions. To this day, some of them still do, and I hope that each of them that is not a believer in Jesus will one day to come and know Him as Lord of their life.
During my teenage years, I became passionate about the church. This was shortly after I was immersed with water through baptism at Countryside Christian Church on June 12, 1994, at the age of eleven. The following week I immediately started to work in the Chapel doing Children’s Ministry. I took on a number of tasks before and after graduating high school, and worked myself up through the ranks as a volunteer. Some of the tasks I did were greeting students, assisting with communion and offering, doing the offertory, preparing for and helping with Vacation Bible School in any area and leading a classroom through teaching third grade. My whole reason was to gain experience in this area before attending college and to grow closer to Christ while serving the community through meeting their needs. I found this very rewarding and enjoyed it a lot.
When I was fourteen, I was at a Christ In Youth (C.I.Y.) Conference in Bethany, Oklahoma. This was a life-changing experience for me. The theme was “Taking up Your Cross,” and everyday convicted me because I learned something new and gained more insight in Scripture than during the entire school year. With every convention, Thursday was considered the most powerful day because that was when the most renowned speakers came in and a concert was done by a famous Christian artist. With this particular occasion, the Lord was leading me to go into ministry by working in a church or as a Missionary to another country. I went forward on July 17, 1997, the day my dear friend Andy spoke and Rich Mullins sang and played for everyone that attended. From this event, I made new brothers and sisters in Christ and grew closer and more passionate about the Lord as well as my faith. In fact, this is one of the most memorable experiences in my life that I will always cherish. I attended many of these happenings. A total of three, but I did not go to it my senior year of high school because of the possibility of getting pranked, and because I was focused in on working at Rose Hill IGA as a Cashier before it became Apple Market a decade later.
Before I graduated from Rose Hill High School, on May 20, 2001, I had an ACT score of 18, and was accepted to Ozark Christian College to go into Children’s Ministry. I was going to work on my Bachelor of Theology degree in Christian Education with an emphasis in working with kids from newborn to sixth grade. My parents wanted me to stay in the state and not move to Joplin, Missouri; however, what neither of us knew at the time is that I would later attend Manhattan Christian College and would earn my degree in 2008. Regardless, they were proud of me and encouraged me in my endeavors. When I attended my High School ceremony and Project Graduation that night, this was a memorable occasion. I no longer was a student at this institution, and I did not have to get picked on anymore from my peers who called me names, such as lizard breath, four-eyes and Pinocchio nose. Not many stood up for me, but those who did I am very thankful for to this day. One of my teachers, Darian, was the guest speaker, and he said, “Standing up for what you believe in, in life, like Elizabeth Lord.” When I heard this I was honored and shocked all at the same time. I did not expect it at all and after the service I thanked him immensely. He frequently spoke of attending Central Christian Church when I was in his Spanish 1 and 2 classes and witnessed to students as much as he could about his faith in Jesus Christ. He was one of my favorite educators. My life was now in transition and everything changed, including my location and comfort zone. I had no idea what God had in store for me, but was thankful for the support of my family and friends through it all because it was not going to get easy, although it would take on this appearance during this era. Some would betray me, while others would remain true to this day. I will change for the positive and become stronger in my ideology. The pressure to follow society was ever-present as I matured. At times, I had to re-learn concepts because I was far from faultlessness; although, a select few wanted me to act similar to them, even though I refused because I knew it was unethical and ungodly. I was a leader and many did not like it as I got older each year of my life and my stubbornness and receptiveness to change grew as well.
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