
Sound Encounters (Copy)


SKU Ebook-7-1-1-1-1 Category

12000 in stock


By Andrew Locke

ISBN: 9781783827353
Published: 2024
Pages: 69
Key Themes: Adventure



Sound Encounters traces a journey into the world by taking account of remarkable individuals and their connections to sound and mental health. A warm and loving account of people I have encountered.

About The Author

Andrew Locke is an artist working with varied and mostly time based media, and has been living with Schizophrenia

since a diagnosis in 1997. A long road to recovery took him to graduate at University of the Arts London in 2009, with a

2:1, and go on further to achieve an MA and MRes, also at UAL. He has worked at Tate, The Barbican, and also as an

art therapy assistant, all for much of his adult life.


Currently engaged in personal artist film making projects, and thinking about engaging in research about his lived

experience of schizophrenia, and also notably, building on insight gained about this condition. A long time ago, a

personal decision that taking a very effective and revolutionary medication could mean living virtually a normal

life, and how this has felt like a new frontier for someone living with this condition. A sense of importance reaching

more widely than his own experiences, lead to wishes about a better prognosis and picture for future individuals living

with schizophrenia. Sound Encounters…






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