By Vanessa King
ISBN: 978-1-84747-929-7
Published: 2009
Pages: 80
Key Themes: youth, positivity, emotions
‘Some Souls live on forever’ tackles the traumatic circumstances surrounding the death of a close friend.
Jessica, a young teenage girl returns home from holiday to discover that her best friend Blake has been killed, having been knocked down by a car. The story examines the rollercoaster of emotions that Jessica feels. She initially is overcome by complete shock and denial. Once accepting what has happened, this moves to anger and grief, Jessica desperately craving for Blake to return.
Along her journey of dealing with the sadness, readers are introduced to the inspirational strength of Jessica, who manages to find a new inner source of positivity. This happens when Jessica begins seeing her life in a new perspective, realising that there is hope after Blake has gone. She begins believing that although Blake has been taken away, his soul lives on through the memory that she holds of him in her heart. This means that every time she thinks of him and the influence he had on her life, it causes her to begin living her life more fully and completely. This is why the story is so named, ‘Some souls live on forvever,’ as Blake’s soul lives on through the influence he has on Jessica’s life from that point onwards.
About the Author
Vanessa, 25, is a primary school teacher, living and teaching in Winchester, a place which she fell in love with due to the ambience of the city. Always relishing the enjoyment of reading and writing creatively as a small child, she was inspired by special teachers along the way to pursue her dream to become an author.
Vanessa’s books focus on key issues that affect young people today. She aims through her stories to speak to them about the important things in life that children sometimes need a helping hand with, hopefully enabling them to come to terms with these issues and have a positive outlook.
She seeks to help provide understanding and comfort along the way, leading to a sense of wellbeing and positive state of mind.
Book Extract
As the sun cast its rays across the tranquil blue sea, leaving a scattering of sparkles that moved to and fro with the waves, Jessica’s thoughts drifted to considering how lucky she was. As she shut her eyes and took a deep breath of fresh sea air, she could feel the sun’s beams on her face, warming her cheeks and leaving her with a glowing feeling inside, that felt like true happiness. Beneath her feet, the grains of sand nestled between her toes made her feel calm. It was the feeling of home, and being back made her feel as though her soul was being lifted.
Jessica was a lucky girl. She lived in a beautiful white beach house, positioned not far from a glorious sandy beach that stretched for miles into the distance. Its main living room displayed a huge glassed window that had a view which showed the edge of the sea as its horizon. It was beautiful. Many days she had spent laying on the soft cream sofa in front of the window, gazing out at the sea wishing she was on a boat sailing out far into the distant horizon. She had lived there since she was born, with her parents, Anna and John, and her older brother Darren.
Every day, before school, Jessica would get up bright and early, just as the sun rose, and she would walk peacefully along the beach. Taking in the ambience, listening to the waves jostle against the shore line and having the deep sea breeze filling her lungs gave her an energy that she could not live long without.
Jessica had been away all summer, on holiday travelling around Italy with her parents. Her dad was an amateur artist trying hard to make it big in the artistic world and to make a mark in history. Accompanied by his family, he had been travelling to several exhibitions in Italy, set in the enchanting suburbs of Vienna, and in the contrasting extravagant buildings in Rome. Jessica enjoyed visiting cities, soaking up the culture and enjoying the excitement of visiting different places, but she always loved that feeling of coming home again.
She remembered her friend Blake would be coming round to visit her later that morning. It was two days before school was due to start again. Her and Blake had decided, before she went away, that they would make the most of the last two days of the holiday when she returned. Jessica had emailed him from an internet café in Rome telling him when to visit.
As she remembered that internet café now, the enigmatic smells of coffee that had filled that café returned to her. Images filled her mind of the rich, dark Italian brews being sipped by olive skinned Italians, gathered hunched over computers, also writing away, maybe to their friends, or loved ones. One man in particular came vividly to her mind. He had been dressed in a large green trench coat, and with a long black beard. It was so long, that it was tied in a plait at the end, the tip of the plait almost touching the keyboard as he typed. He had such a distinctive look that she remembered, it had left her watching for several moments. She remembered him as he typed, obviously unfamiliar with the keyboard, as stretching out from his dark green mittens (which had open ends) were yellow looking fingers, probably from years of smoking tobacco, and with dirty nails. Jessica remembered watching his single yellow index finger punching away at the keys, one at a time, so slowly, as he struggled to find the keys. He was rather dirty looking, with several earrings punched into both ears, and many torn holes in the black jumper that remained partially hidden beneath his coat. Jessica had wondered what he did for a living. He looked rather like he was a tramp, who Jessica imagined walking up and down the Italian lanes, and sleeping in dirty corners of shops aligning the streets.
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