By Jarrad Dickson
ISBN: 9781849912501
Published: 2010
Pages: 114
Key Themes: mental health, fiction
Roseum Thornyum is a phrase Jarrad Dickson gained from seeing a gigantic rose in his bedroom when he was delusional that he thought turned him into a Roseum Thornycum albino with twenty two fingers that had black, white and red nails.
The book mainly has writing from the age of 16 to 18, with his early poetry and his play Cain and Abel he wrote in iambic pentameter when he was 18. The poetry is sometimes in meter, sometimes not. It mostly is unrequited love sourced poetry from an unrequited albino love interest and a Lily Cole hair coloured love interest with that poem about a moth in silence striking a note upon her lips. Jarrad Dickson was sick of unrequited love when he was 19 so quite writing poetry for he was writing love poetry or poetry mainly about woman, though carried on writing plays but lost his second play, The Aryan House and The Cabaret Malfunction and burned Pandoras People and Suicide Star State was thrown in the bin.
There are three short stories, one short story he won the creative writing prize for at Dilworth school for boys from straightened circumstances and two short stories of his later writing at the age of 22 called The Holy Products of Pandora and Chinalalbino.
The play Cain and Abel was his first attempt at imitating Shakespeare, Marlowe and Goethe, and was an attempt at expressing an Insanity theme. It is about Cains mark being the mark of insanity and the outsider, and the downfall of society because of violence, religion and insanity and at the end God commits suicide and the universe explodes.
The Holy Products of Pandoras title is gained from his play Pandoras People and expresses that the products of Pandoras box are the products of madness and in his play he showed that Pandora was the first cyborg or machine as she was created by the Gods and in his play turns into a machine after she kills herself by cutting her face up while dancing in a cut wrist like Dita Von Teese dancing in a martini glass.
Jarrad Dickson is currently writing a science fiction space opera novel about Pandora, the beauty of Lily Cole, Hua Nian, the universe, psychosis and schizophrenia, Dilworth school, James Dilworth the founder of Dilworth school and Jarrad Dickson.
The two short stories called Chinalalbino and THPOP concern flame haired, white skinned goddesses and this beauty is inspired by the beauty of the supermodel Lily Cole, who he thought was an orange flame haired Arian and Aryan from outerspace that was as tall as a bridge and could stretch her body into black holes and destroyed Hitlers civilisation by burning it down with flames from her hands and he is using Lily Coles beauty again in his novel.
About the Author
Jarrad Dickson was born on the 22nd of October, 1986 in Auckland, New Zealand and was awarded a scholarship to study at Dilworth school for high school and was first in Art every year and first in Art History and English in his final year and was one of the top scholars. He then attended the University of Auckland and learned Latin, and taught himself Biblical Hebrew and Ancient Greek in his spare time. He always aspired to be an artist throughout high school.
During his period of alcohol abuse in 2007, he sought getting on Prozac to help with his depression but only a few weeks later had a psychotic breakdown on the eighteenth of October 2007, where he heard voices that there was an organ spaceship under Dilworth and that they needed his heart cut out to open the spaceship and that his principle was an alien from Pluto. He spent three months in a psychiatric ward and then had a psychotic relapse the next year where he thought Lily Cole was an Arian and that she owned half of Auckland and he heard her voice long-distance talking to him from the Pier Penthouse in New York. These breakdowns caused his study to be prolonged, and he is still studying a BA in Latin and English Literature and is planning to do postgraduate study in one or both of the majors in the next year or two.
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