By Andy Higgins
ISBN: 9781849913065
Published: 2010
Pages: 208
Key Themes: poetry, drugs, addiction, personal strength, rehab, counselling, recovery, honesty
Inside the pages of this book are poems and observations that now fill Andy’s head. As he says “now that reality has returned, lots of regrets and if only’s” but all of them the truth.
About the Author
Andy has struggled with drug addiction for more than thirty years. The father of two lovely daughters has finally overcome the scourge of addiction.
Born in Sheffield in 1954, the oldest of five children. Andy moved with his parents Dorothy and Bernard Higgins and four brothers and sisters to Swinton, near Rotherham. Here he attended the local school. In 1969, Andy started an apprenticeship with a local woodworking company. At the same time Andy and his friends found and entered the world of drugs, which quickly resulted in Andy serving a three and a half year prison sentence. The sentence was for selling class A drugs. Shortly after his release from prison Andy met and married his wife of twenty-four years, Judith. But drugs were still to plague Andy’s life. In and out of various jobs in the steel industry. Drugs finally ended twenty-four years of marriage and Andy become more dependant on hard drugs, and a heroin addiction followed. Two years ago Andy finally decided enough was enough and that it was really time to sort his life out, in Andy’s words “it was a bloody nightmare to come off drugs” but it had to be done. With the help of a rehab unit called New Beginnings, various drug counsellors, and his family Andy finally escaped the clutches of his addiction. Inside the pages of this book are poems and observations that now fill Andy’s head. As he says “now that reality has returned, lots of regrets and if only’s” but all of them the truth.
Book Extract
I’ve met this creature from a metal ship
When he spoke made my soul flip
If all that I’ve been taught is supposed to be true
How can I be sat here looking at you?
He tells me he’s from somewhere so remote
With such a strange voice this creature spoke
We talk that if man would just open his eyes
He too would see strange things up in the skies
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