
Recovery / Discovery


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175 in stock


By Jason Tune & Tina Morgan

ISBN: 978-1-78382-139-6
Published: 2014
Pages: 128
Key Themes: Mental Health, Recovery, Hope, Inspiration, Personal Development


My autobiography ‘Sex, Drugs and Northern Soul’ was about the journey of my life from my childhood up until approximately 40 years of age. My Sequel ‘Stigma Worse than Psychosis’ highlighted the stigma of having a label that I endured throughout my mental ill health history.

This book is about mental health recovery and having a positive response to some of these issues. I believe that we are all in some kind of recovery albeit from a debt, a divorce, bereavement etc… and some people may even say from life itself. I am not going to compare my experiences of recovery with anyone else’s recovery, nor is what I am going to illustrate applicable to everybody. My main objective is that I will inspire hope to others that may or may not be similarly afflicted with mental health issues and belief for their carers and loved ones. This is based on personal experience throughout my life up to date.

I have known Jason as a friend and colleague since he came to work with the Rotherham Early Intervention in Psychosis Team in 2005 and I am pleased to make a small contribution to his latest literary offering in his trilogy of books revealing his insights into what he calls his ‘journey of discovery’.
Jason is a larger than life character, voluminous in terms of his size, presence, production, and yes audibility; so I guess it is fitting that his life is significantly expressed within his penned ‘Volumes’. …and yet, Jason is much more than this.
Jason is a man very much in Tune (no apologies) with his feelings; which he uses to a great extent in his professional and personal life, not only to bring peace to himself but also a conveyed understanding to the individuals to whom he offers support.
Be that as it may, his main contribution in my opinion will be his use of this highly empathetic approach to challenge the Western World’s preoccupation with the ‘what’ in our lives. For Jason ‘what is the problem or solution’ is not anywhere near as relevant as the ‘WHY and the HOW’. This conviction is combined with his indefatigable and relentless promotion of the spiritual concepts of ‘hope and optimism’ as he avidly strives to help people in Recovery.
I Congratulate Jason on his achievements to date.

Dave McMullan
Principal Practitioner / Approved Mental Health Professional
Rotherham Doncaster & South Humber NHS Trust.

Quotes from my readers

“I want to thank all my friends and readers for their reviews and comments. Wishing you all the very best” Jason.

Here are some of my reviews:

Tyrone… “What more can I say that has not already been said about Jason and both his books compulsive reading, I didn’t put the books down once I had picked them up honestly the best two books I have ever read without a doubt. What an inspiration, it’s an honour to know and be able to call you a friend”.

Ninna… “I would just like to share some thoughts of mine, I am part way through the book Sex Drugs & Northern Soul by Jason Tune ….it is soul searching funny and a breath of fresh air just like Jason, it goes to show anyone can get well after all the trails they suffer, he’s a real inspiration to others … well done Jason xxxx”.

Darren… “Hi Jason, I finished your book yesterday. It makes you realise what some people go through with these health issues. You open up your inner self to the world to help others, well done mate it’s a great read”.

Jane E…”I have enjoyed reading ‘Sex Drugs & Northern Soul’ and I think Jason is to be commended on his honesty while battling his demons head on. A personal journey through torment heartache and sheer determination has got Jason to where he is now and I applaud the good work that Jason strives to achieve in helping others in a similar dilemma as he found himself in. Well done Jason x”

Karen…. “Hi there hope your well love. Just thought I would let everyone on Facebook know how brilliant your book is ‘Sex Drugs and Northern Soul’ it is truly amazing and I think everyone on Facebook should read it absolutely brilliant lol”.

Lorraine E….”Chez loves your book and said she would have paid 20 pounds for it, she was in tears by the second paragraph of intro, then made her smile on 2nd paragraph of your 1st chapter cause she can relate to it……well done J sounds a damn good book hehe”.

Steve…Hi ya Jay. “We were at Kimmy School together, also army cadets at Aldershot etc. I’ve just finished your book for 2nd time, great read mate and good memories too. Glad you’re now able to help others, all power to you mate. Steve (eddy) Edwards. Kimmy 1975 – 1980.”

Jane L…“Everyone who grew up in Yorkshire should read this. . I was at Kimberworth Comp around the same time as J. Never judge a book by its cover – literally. Nobody realized at the time is that J was suffering from serious mental health problems which were not diagnosed until much later and were worsened by his spiral into uncontrollable drug addiction This book made me laugh a lot (as well as cry).”

Trisha…”I finished reading your book (Sex Drugs and Northern Soul) record time, 3 days, it’s absolutely fantastic and I could not put it down. I recommend everyone reads this book. They’ll be as engrossed in the book as I was, brought back memories of the “Good old days”. This book made me laugh and cry, but proves people ‘Can’ change their life around for the better. Very best of luck with your next book xx.”

Debs…“I have just finished reading ‘Sex Drugs and Northern Soul’. I’m speechless and in shock all I can say is ‘Wow’ I couldn’t put the book down. I was a friend of the family and I lived across the road from his nan and granddads and all I saw of J was a big friendly guy , I’m just sorry it’s took so long to read it. He’s made me realize that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and life is for living and you’ve got to make mistakes to learn from them. I saw J in hospital and I could never understand why he was there because he was such a big softy. Never knew he was such a big hit with the lady’s lol . I’m so proud of you, you are one amazing man. I can’t wait to get your next book”. x x SWALK x x.

Martin…”I read both your books Jason very entertaining and informative, you`re an inspiration to a lot of people, had more than your fair share of problems but came through stronger than ever, a genuinely nice guy and a very good friend well done mate!”

Jayne H… My friend who has written his next book about the
stigma of mental illness! “I was his nursing assistant when psychiatric departments were barbaric (back in the early 80’s)! His journey at times as been very traumatic, he has now written two books. The first is ‘Sex Drugs and Northern soul’ (filled with every emotion, anger, love, betrayal, addiction, loss, trauma, survival, the human spirit and not forgetting his infectious humour!! and emotional intelligence etc…).Amazing true story from zero to hero! His own recovery and his insights now help a new generation with a similar disposition. A brilliant author/speaker and advocate for the recovery of mental illness. He goes from strength to strength. Keep the good work up Jason. Love that quote of yours “The human spirit is far stronger than anything that can ever happen to it” XXXX

Susan …”Hi ya Jason started your book last night ‘Stigma Worse than Psychosis’ at tea time could not put it down and finished it before bed time. It was a great read gives an insight to other people’s lives and your determination to get well I’m so proud of you and to others like yourself who are still trying to make it. With your help and support I’m sure many more will come through it like yourself. Got to get your 1st book now trust me to read the 2nd first lol x.”

Mike…from Brighton….“Hi J, your book arrived yesterday at midday-ish…I have just completed it. I started reading yesterday evening at about six-ish. I read till about five o’clock this morning, and started again at half nine when I woke up. While reading your book from cover to cover, I have had a spag bowl, a chunk of cheese, a small peperammi, about eight cups of coffee, two cups of tea, a round of brown toast… with marmite, and about fifteen smokes. I could not put the book down until it was finished. Congratulations on getting this out. You can certainly deliver a punch. Well done on getting through these traumas of life, and for standing up for what you believe in. Once read, your story will give hope to all who are starting their own unchartered journey. I write this in full admiration of you J. All the best.”

Liam…”Hello Jason I have one thing to say to you, bloody hell Tuney, Just finished reading your book, what a roller coaster and it’s still on-going. I don’t know if you’re aware of the film that is at present in the making, about Northern Soul? On face book Northern Soul the Film. I’ve been an extra in it. I have to be honest I only came across your book because it had Northern Soul in in the title; I am so pleased I did what a fantastic read. Due to the film I to have been revisiting my past & I am considering writing my own book, I don’t know we’ll see. Stay happy. From an Old Soul Boy from Nottingham who went to Wigan Casino”.

Julie…”I have just finished reading ‘Stigma Worse than Psychosis’ by Jason Tune, it was fantastic and it shows that people are getting more aware about this subject more. It has given me more insight of how to have coping strategies on life and inform more people of being aware of family members to understand and not just pull yourself together well done again best wishes to you and Sharon and family for a brilliant Christmas and New year x x”

Mick…”Well Jason didn’t expect to think much when I read your book but how you described places and people so realistic I could almost smell the disinfectant you certainly lived loved and lost so many things you can feel your heartache but your standing tall and still living to tell your story bet your family are so proud and the people who crossed the road there loss x.”

Jo…”Just been reading your book, Jesus my sides ache with laughing so many memories, I can’t wait to finish it!!! East Dene Mafia what were all that about hahahah”

Cheryl D…”I did enjoy the book well done it’s a great read, always fancied having a go at writing myself but fiction lol, I’m based in Doncaster I’m a ward manager in a secure hospital”

Jackie S… “Well done Jason hope your book goes well x”

Maria…”I will be buying hun. Hope you will be signing this one too xxx”

Justin Morley… Consultant Psychiatrist… “I have had the great privilege of writing a forward for a new book by Jason Tune titled ‘Stigma Worse than Psychosis’ which is available in both paperback and E-book from publisher Chimpunka. Jason has written courageously about his experiences of the stigma associated with a mental illness so that he can give hope to others who are in a similar position. Jason has gone from strength to strength and as he writes in the book is now working as a STAR (Support Time and Recovery) worker. Finally, for people who aren’t familiar with the publisher Chipmunkapublishing, they focus (although not exclusively) on publishing books by people who have experienced mental illnesses and to quote from their site ’so that we can give more people a voice and change the way the world thinks about mental health’. I’m sure I will be hearing more about Jason’s books in the future!”

Sheryl…”Good luck Jase I am so glad for you xxx hope your book goes well take care xx”

Cousin Paula… “Well done Jason!! You make the family proud xx”

Joe…”Well here it is Not as funny as last book, but made me sit up and think and realise how important it is to think before we speak, well done mate if you make a difference to one person it was worth it xxx”

Mark R… “Started ya book mate. Good read and I haven’t found any spelling mistakes yet :)”

Chez Y… “I think your book ‘Sex, Drugs and Northern Soul’ is great. It’s great to read about someone else’s life in Rotherham. I read about how u pulled through depression I find it really hard to get through it I’m only 21 and been on antidepressants a year and half. I think the book is great x”

Zena…”Hi Jay, yes I read your new book and I have to say it was a great read. I felt a bit guilty really with a few things you mentioned in both your books but it was just like that at that time. How are you getting on, I think you’ve done great along the years well done! xx”

Donna B… “I have just finished reading ‘Sex, Drugs and Northern Soul’ by our very own Jason Tune…. well what can I say apart from its a privilege to know you Jay and it was great xx”

Liza B… “Fantastic first book I couldn’t wait to get a spare hour
so I could carry on reading…the book took you through the highs and lows of your life…very moving. Well done Jason you have come a long way… and I’m very pleased that you are living your life to the full…I’ve got a spare hour so I’m …just going to start the second. I’ll let you know how it goes….love always xx”

Karen Etheridge… “People just need an opportunity to be believed in and demonstrate their self-worth. Always believed in you Jason and many more people needing a break to follow their dreams. Can’t wait to read the third of the trilogy of inspiration. Well done proud of you and to know you x”

Luke Tune… “Our Jason brightens every room…his big smile and presence will brighten up the darkest day and saddest mood…He has been through tough times enough for three people to endure. He’s over come every tough obstacle life has thrown at him and faced every beast with the heart of a lion…..from the bowels of hell to rises of heaven, he now helps others with his own life experiences…I’m proud to call Jason my uncle and will love him till forever ends xx”

Marina Needham…” Fantastic Jason well done & good luck with your third book. Brilliant forward from Dr Hussain too :-)) Not bad going for a ‘Meadowbank kid”

Philip Brailsford… “Congratulations Jason on next book, keep up the good work you are doing J, we need people like you mate who listen & help rather than ridicule & ignore, all the best pal.”

Karen Wyld… “I think you are really ‘Brave’ sharing your experiences in the hope that you may help or inspire someone else on their Road to recovery. I agree everyone has different types of problems and each case is unique to the individual. Well done Jason I look forward to reading them all and hopefully it will help me with my own battles of life or even just open my eyes to enable me to help someone else. Good luck with your new book xx”

Linda Innes… “Can’t wait for my copy, loved the other 2 and very informative, honest and inspirational xx”

David Lowe… “Well done Jase. You’re an inspiration to many. The world needs people like you to drive home the awareness of an invisible illness as anyone can suffer and not realise it. Well done mate.”

Iain Fox… “Good luck with the new book Jase! This message is coming to you from Wales so your books gone international!”

Kevin McCourt… “Magic pal. So pleased for you. Really looking forward to reading the next book. Enjoyed the other two and also enjoy working with you on our “little project” Let’s hope that is a success also.”

Karen Tune… “Well done, Jason, I’m chuffed for you! You bring a lot of hope to a lot of people. Keep up the good work love xx”

Barbara Riley… “Well done Jason, I am looking forward to your new book . ( still need to organize with a friend in UK, to send me the other two books over to NZ

Deb Hawken… Stunning… Promote your book on my page at any time. I suffered from undiagnosed acute anxiety for years and it was Spirituality that saved me. Xx”

Chris Scales… “I’ll tell you what Jay, what odds would a bookie have given me in 1981 that you would’ve written 3 books by 49? Respect mate”

Sharon Fenton…”Proud of my lovely man xx”

Dave Scarrott…”Keep the light burning brightly pal!”

Martin Appleyard… “You go from strength to strength all respect to you pal, save me a copy J”

Patrick Tune…”Jason Tune was born in Rotherham, Yorkshire, in 1964. At 14 years of age he became a ‘social outcast’ finding himself part of the Rotherham drug scene. Whether this had any bearing on his mental well-being is open to debate but one would imagine, at the very least, it is partly responsible. But once he recognised his problems, it is to his own credit and his strength of character that he fought the demons that were about to destroy his life. Jason is now inspirational in his work helping other service users in Yorkshire in his day job.

Prof. Malcolm Peet, Consultant Psychiatrist…”Jason’s story will be an inspiration to all those that have plumbed the depths of despair that we know as mental illness. With great personal honesty and pulling no punches, he describes his struggle to get back to a balanced life. He now works to help other people do the same.”

Julie E. Sloane…”Jason’s autobiography touches the heart of anyone experiencing negative periods in their life – the emotional rollercoaster and triumph from reaching out from the dark side and learning to laugh at adversity.” Synonymously Jason has activated a dissent into the reduction of stigma regarding mental illness. His first book ‘Sex, Drugs and Northern Soul’ outlined his own recovery from his own demons and experiences as a ‘service user’ in the 1980’s. Jason’s second book ‘Stigma worse than the illness’, is an uplifting if not empowering story into the reduction of stigma into mental illness. No one is exempt from mental ill health vulnerabilities or immune to its susceptibilities. However Jason has become an advocate into ensuring the recovery model is perpetuated nationally, if not internationally to its maximum extent by his biography, presentation and networking.”

Ray Brown…”I first met Jason through an ex-student of mine whilst bench pressing more weight than was good for my age. Out of the friendship that was formed came the idea to write the story of Jason’s journey through life.”

Patrick Tune…”In Rotherham, Yorkshire, on 28th November 1964 my son, Jason Tune, a healthy 10 lb baby was born. It was a normal birth without complications. I watched him grow from a happy boy into a bright teenager. As he was approaching his 16th birthday, his behaviour started to change dramatically and he became restless and withdrawn. After seeking medical advice, I was told he was suffering a mental breakdown. He spent quite a long time in an out of hospital. Despite all the trauma and stigma he encountered he never once gave up fighting to regain his identity. Through his self-belief and determination he is now able to lead a normal meaningful life. So much so, that he is now employed by a NHS Mental Health Trust helping a ‘new generation’ with a similar disposition.”

Book Extract

Personal responsibility and regaining control of your life

At the time of writing this book I am more than 20 years in recovery from a major drug-induced psychotic episode and I feel as though I have control over my own life. I have had a total of five episodes of psychosis from the age of 16, when I had previously been a binge drinker and occasional cannabis smoker and later addicted to amphetamines and using other substances. My mind was fluctuating from reality to mania delusional and grandiose ideation and I have also experienced long periods of negative symptoms and low self-esteem. Anyway, back on to the recovery and discovery.

Taking some control back over your own life, is when you have gotten over the first hurdle and starting to create changes in your circumstances and wellbeing. If you don’t feel you have control over your own life, it is essential that you get empowered to take control again. It is very difficult to feel well when you’re not in charge of your own life. Tina, who is helping me write this book, is going to ask me the following questions that could have helped me to regain control over my life and affairs. You the reader may hopefully take something out of the following discussion between Tina and me.
“Do you feel that you have control over your own life these days Jason? And if so, how long have you felt this way”?

“I feel as though I am in a better place nowadays than I obviously was in my dark times as a mental health service user and drug addict. I am more mature and listen better and have positive influential people in my life, people who believe in me and share some of my views on mental health empowerment and recovery. My family have always been there for me and without their love, which is paramount; I don’t think I would have made it to where I am now. I also have a few friends that have stood the test of time, I would like to say I have developed new and more fulfilling, stronger friendships and relationships. I have recently been made aware of three friends of my past who have unfortunately passed away in the last year through drug addictions. I am very lucky to have come through the other side and I recently did a presentation at college on the funeral day of one of my best pals from those days. I reflected and thought to myself that this could have been me, Thankfully, I diverted onto a different path in life to my old friend from the drug scene. As I have previously said one of my granddad’s favourite quotes, “There are two roads to life, the right road and the wrong road”. I didn’t listen to my granddad when I was younger; I now listen to him in my heart. It’s not been easy and initially the drug world had been my escape from a lot of turmoil in my life, however I really want to highlight that this was a complete false sense of security.

I have been substance-free for over 2 decades and my mental well-being has got better over the last 20 years. So I guess coming off drugs and being clean has been one of the main turning points for my insights and self-preservation. You can do your maths; it’s simple, no drugs for over 20 years and no psychosis for the same period. I feel as though these drugs were the main reasons for my last two drug-induced admissions. I have always been battling bi-polar disorder since I was diagnosed when I was 16. Even now I am still learning coping strategies and better ways of dealing with stress and triggers. I have grown up a lot from my wild days and I have learnt valuable lessons. Writing has also been a liberating experience and has helped me let go of some of the pain and suffering.


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