
Out of the Slippery Pit


SKU paperback Category

994 in stock


By Linda Palucci

ISBN: 978-1-847477699
Published: 2008
Pages: 76
Key Themes: cancer, loss, mourning, widowhood, support of friends


Garth Brooks had a song a few years back, The Dance even now when I hear it, I cry.

I could have missed the pain, but Id have had to miss the Dance

But lots of things still make me cry. I know I am not alone. Many widows still cry, over songs, or just about any thing that triggers a memory.

This is my story of the death and 1st year of widowhood. It is all true. I wrote it to try and make sense of what was happening.

It still hurts, that is the best way to describe it. It Hurts! A pain in my stomach like someone punched me, took my breath away. I really did not think I could go on alone.


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