By Nigel Pearce
ISBN: 978-1-78382-451-9
Published: 2018
Pages: 97
Key Themes: Mental Health, Poetry, Prose
It is now over a decade since I almost died from a medically induced
toxic state related to medicines prescribed for mental health issues. I
now have had four previous books published by Chipmunkapublishing
and gained two new qualifications to add to my the B.A (Hons) before the
toxicity, a Certificate in English Studies at Warwick University and this
year have completed a Dip. H.E. gained at the Open University.
The doctors at the time thought, once I had survived the toxicity, the
only way ahead would be a sort of vaguely animated death in long
stay psychiatric care. I have proofed them wrong which is not to
say my body and mind have totally recovered, but it illustrates that
adversity can be overcome.
When confronted with one’s mortality in a quite palpable form
you either sink or swim psychologically: I swam. A desire to
push the boundaries of both the creative and the intellectual is
pervasive in my work and life, I know of no other Path.
My writing and love of ideas is my salvation, not a pastime but a vocation.
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