By John Flanagan
ISBN: 978-1-84747-532-9
Published: 2008
Pages: 48
Key Themes: UK based author, poetry, prose, fantasy, life
Prose and poetry often intertwine. The strategy and style more contemporary than ancient. My book reveals to us fantasy and reality these poems I know appeal to any generation, these poems are a journey into the nature of life.
About the Author
John was born on the 12th November 1947 in the city of Leeds and was educated at secondary modern schools. On leaving my last school he started work as a printer. In the 1970’s John discovered the art of poetry and to this day it is a gift he wishes to share.
Book Extract
There was a time I feel compelled to tell
When we threw coins down the wishing well
Heaven you implicitly believed in but not so hell
If greeted by some stranger you volunteered to smile
In our yesteryears we were individual with style.
How I grazed both knees climbing hills climbing trees
Stampeding through stinging nettles you solved those problems
By boat I sailed canals inhaled the scented breeze
My body this mobile mystic temple scared and strong
I confessed to loving life if that is wrong.
Ruth was the wild child who flowered from youth
The cat that did scare the manlike mouse
She was rebellious by nature to tell the truth
She designed every fantasy room at her house.
Her character zodiac sign proved compatible with mine.
Living in bygone times was simple not sophisticated
The terrors of technology were as then underrated
And marriage we honoured more so than divorce
In yesteryears money was no real remedy for remorse.
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