
Initializing a Point of View in Poetry


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Poems, Pieces, Short Stories,
and many other things…

By Sarah Rose

ISBN: 978-1-84747-093-5
Published: 2007
Pages: 370
Key Themes: Australian author, poetry, drug abuse, short stories, suicide,


This large and purposeful collection of works by Sarah Rose contains poems, pieces and short stories – personal modern poetry, irony reflections, memory including poetic themes drawn from family history, and sadder themes from life, tragedy, suicide, wasted lives and many other things. The culmination of many years work this immensely well written and intelligent book is Sarah’s attempt to understand the complex and diverse World around her. This is a strong and important book, one which will provide entertainment and enlightenment in equal measure.

About the Author

Coming soon.

Book Extract

Perhaps the ice is melting

The spring after winter,
Brings trickling of water
Through the melting ice.
The ice will melt in the warmth
Of the spring sun,
The winter is over,
The ice that was freezing the spring,

Will melt now.

We hope the social ice is melting too,

On a large scale in spring.
The ice melts and we begin
To socialise,
Perhaps the warmth of brilliance

Will melt the winter ice.

We will socialise freely,

When the ice melts,
Communication will
Become more important and relevant,

People will have less trouble
Socialising when the ice melts.

The spring brings an end to winter,
Where the ice was
Freezing the spring.

New life with the spring,
As the air becomes warmer,
The sun shines more directly,

The long winter has ended.

People unfreeze; the social air is warmer,
The awkward ice melts,
The winter condition no longer inhibits the sun,
And people will realise
Each other when the social ice melts,
They will understand
The social situation and each other socially.

Our personalities that endured will shine
The spring water, and melted ice will purvey the place.

Individuals will meet and come together,

At the melting of the ice,
The spring in the mountains
Symbolises and enacts this,

As the spring indicates the end of winter.

We will be happy after a cold winter,

For the spring.
Socially the vulnerable will
Be calmed, in the light of spring.

Social happiness after a period of
Winter chill, so now happily we socialise,

Now in spring.

The period of detainment
Is over, the social warmth has eased us,
We mingle freely.

A spring solstice has begin,
After the enduring winter,
Eventually the air warms,
And the social atmosphere
We breathe, no longer a stilled breath.

The warmth to our person,

And the spring begins
After the unfavourable winter, and its ice.
We are warm emotionally in the social air,

The air will be tolerable now, again,

Just as the mountain stream

Finds its way in spring.

After the ice melts,
We will all appreciate this
As it happens, on occasions we will celebrate
The melting of the social ice.



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