By Linda Kelly
ISBN: 978-1-84991-813-8
Published: 2012
Pages: 283
Key Themes: Mental Health, Self Help, Eating Disorders, OCD, Depression
About the Author
The words Mental Health often stigmatise many areas of life, both within a social context and environment context and when first starting to write this book, a journey of which I took myself the beginning of 2008, I hadn’t quite thought of it as a ‘mental health problem’, I’d actually seen it as the behaviour of people around me causing me to alter; this had stemmed since when a young child.
From a child onwards image had always been major in my thoughts due to being overweight and receiving bullying. However after working with a counsellor and psychotherapist in later years the work I then achieved allowed me to re-address my past and how bullying and image had managed to alter my behaviour; I developed ‘a poor image of myself’ (yo-yo dieting to once at the age of 18 I was verging on anorexia); OCD (various behaviours) and a complete shutdown of any creativity and sport participation that I had touched on and enjoyed within my school years.
The above reasons are why I wish to share my experience and journey within this ‘self help book’.
Book Extract
Step forward on your journey to a new healthier lifestyle…..
Poem by Linda Kelly
We demand too much of our body,
We think rest will make a way,
But we forget the minutes spent shutting down
What our bodies want to say.
We build barriers to soothe ourselves,
Then act as if no barriers exist
Finding words to cover our plight
The walls become higher we don’t want to acknowledge
We tell lies and always resist.
But we are no one’s play game
We can be honest and true
We can look at our body and feel what’s inside
The new picture we’ll paint not hazy with hue.
It may be quite hard but the journey is new
And in the end we’ll be just us
We will not expect
We will not preach
But inner health we’ll put first as a must.
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