By Oscarbond
ISBN: 978-1-84991-716-2
Published: 2012
Pages: 396
Key Themes: poetry, short stories, schizophrenia
This book I am not intelligent gives importance to the mad, mentally ill, schizophrenia people to show them humanity and love than trying to make them brave and explaining the right thing to make them intelligent persons. When good time came they will become cured but until that we have to show them love and care as the mental illness disease not visible or understand by others like physical illness. Also the hearing voice disease was not accepted as disability in countries like India. There the doctors says it was a disease which will cured one day but not sure when it will cure.
This book is having a mixture of subjects that a general novel have. This is not only a psychological novel it was a secret scientific novel. Three generation story, poems, short story, SMS, affection, affair, the main characters regional famous peoples history, thrilling movements, not much lengthy and speedily moving novel. To create awareness of about mind control which is not accepted by the present world may be proved in future. I wish for all readers this book will be interesting and useful to their lifes. The main chapter is TALKING WITH VIPS of the whole world as Balu, the main character was the idea and opinion giver to them. Everyone in the world must read it.
About the Author
This novel itself is a biography of author except Balus Affair and chapters. The pen name of the author was OSCARBOND. He is interested in writing novels. As he attacked by schizophrenia , hearing voice disease he can not able to do his mechanical engineer job in a factory. So having an aim to satisfy his mother and not to waste his time in home he had written this novel. Actually he wished to submit a novel which could be published before his death as he always in a mood to get suicide because of his disease. He has not created this work just for fun. In this he added an introduction of yoga and pranayama for the relief of stress and other diseases to the western countries people. It is his last desire to create a work about him. If he relieved from this disease he can continue his career as novel author. If this is not a disease and a mind control, he can not able to do so. Mind control was a kind of microchip was being implanted in the brains of human through ordinary injection or by means of food and the whole control of the person belongs to implanter. The author believes that mind control was exists secretly by VIPS. If people supported his work he may be blessed by god.
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