


SKU PB Help Category

1200 in stock


Fran Leggott


Published: 2025

Pages: 154
Key Themes: Mental Health, Children, Parents

Book Description

The ‘ first time’ parental experience of Mental ill health of your child can be so lonely, scary and confusing. Through this book my intention is to provide you with some companionship and practical tips along the way; on your own journey as a parent, carer, family member or friend as you fathom your different life path too.

Author Description

Fran recently retired after 37 years of working for the National Health Service. She has dedicated her entire career to serving those who need care and support. With a life long passion for ‘ making a positive difference’ to the lives of others.

Her retirement has not diminished this; rather simply it has presented an opportunity for her to do so in a different way – culminating in this publication, born from her own lived experiences as a mum to Ollie.


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