Hardback Fast Track Service (E-book and Hardback usually within 3 months of receiving file as long as you sign off the text and cover). We will still publish your work as an e-book on our website and in the e-book trade. We will also publish your work as a hardback on our website. With this option we will also put your book in the global book trade
the amount is made payable in advance by yourself or somebody else sponsoring you. You will receive 5 inches by 8 inches copies of your printed hardback.
If your book is up to 100 pages. You will receive 15 Copies of your printed hardback book.
If your book is 100-200 pages. You will receive 10 copies of your printed hardback book.
If your book is 200-300 pages you will receive 5 copies of your printed hardback book.
If your book is 300 pages plus you will receive upto 3 copies of your printed hardback book.
FREE ISBN Number for both eBook and Paperback
Your manuscript formatted for publication.
Your paperback cover personally designed to our house style (using an image and text of your choice)
Your book will be available on the Chipmunka website AND in the global book trade.
This means it will be available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and all other good retailers.
You will receive 100 Copies of your printed hardback book
Unlimited FREE Promotional copies of your eBook
Great author discounts when purchasing bulk orders of your book.
Books with higher number of pages cost more to print and usually take longer to edit and set up. They also have a higher retail price so can be sold at a higher price by yourself leading to greater profit for you. The number of pages will differ from ebook to hardback.
We distribute to over 39,000 retailers, libraries, schools, internet commerce companies and other channel partners including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other well-known retailers and wholesalers of books.
What else do I receive?
How to sell more books home study course MP3s
How to write a book and stop procrastinating home study course MP3s
How to be a successful author in your niche. Home Study Course MP3s
Unlimited Confidence Home Study Course in MP3 and A4 Paperback
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