
‘Freud’ of Love

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By Thomas de Haan

ISBN: 978-1-84747-782-8
Published: 2008
Pages: 257
Key Themes: prose, poetry, short stories, translation


This book contains four short stories, in poem form, and several short poems, in Dutch and in English, the English translation, on the back side of each page, is done by the Dutch author himself. The fourth short story, The Lady of the Dawn, contains dreams dreamed by the author, and associations and explanations on/of them, also the other stories are in fact free associations, written in a short time, and later worked farther out. In all stories are a lot of ‘Freudian mistakes’ too, a lot of them were, in de first place, by accident. The author has placed a lot of these mistakes between quotation marks, to let see that they in fact were and are ‘Freudian mistakes’.

For a better understanding of this book it is the best to know both English and Dutch, because the author a lot of times speaks in it ‘double tongued’, Freudian too in fact.

About the Author

The name of the author, given by birth to him, was Thomas (de Haan). The maiden name of his mother, who was treated for mental illness during the Second World War, was called Iefje de Jonge, which is in English : (Little) Eve Young. She died at the 30th of September 2007, his father, Gerrit de Haan, died at the 26th of May 2001, at the birthday of his mother, born at the 26th of May 1899.

Her mother, Maria, was, literary, almost blind (-22) and deaf, the author suspects sexual abusing happened to his mother, although there is no prove for that, because this is just a interpretation of the author himself, which includes however not only the almost blindness of his grandmother.

Thomas de Haan, born at the 30th of January of 1950, was the middle of three children. He has an older brother , born at the 24th of December, and a younger sister, born at the 20th of march 1953.
At the age of 14 the author had a first depression, combined with a so called déjà vu experience, which also later returned, one of them lasting a whole day, with later, maybe a false, remembering that he had dreamed that day in beforehand.

At the age of 28 he had a manic depressive psychosis, but was diagnosed schizophrenia, a severe depression, of about two and a half years long followed, plus later, short several depressive psychosis, in 1981, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1993, 1999. It were very severe depressive psychosis, the worst one of 3 nights and days, of them was in 1993, while being locked in an isolation cell, for ‘his own safety’, not because he was aggressive, except for to his own mind maybe. In 2005 he had a manic depressive psychosis, and in 2007 and 2008 too, in which the diagnosis was changed into manic depressive.

1 review for ‘Freud’ of Love

  1. Thomas (EMLV) de Haan (-Young) (verified owner)

    Note of the author, this book is also available as a paperback, called ´Freude´, which counts somewhat more pages, it is after further correction also, plus that the ´Freudian´ ´mistakes´ have been made more clear, it can be used to leean better Dutch or English too, plus can be read in bed, when reading only the Dutch or English text, because the original text is on the front side and the tranlation on the backside of the page.

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