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By David Roscoe

ISBN: 978-1-84991-093-4
Published: 2010
Pages: 234
Key Themes: novel, anxiety, depression



The world is under threat from an alien race whose only goal is to extinguish all life capable of standing against them. Their methods are cruel and terrifying, their technology centuries ahead of those of Earth. But there is hope…

Two government agents, a psychotic killer, a crime lord and Timothy Bruce, a paranoid neurotic living in constant fear of everyday life, are brought together by a centuries old secret society hidden deep within the Earth. These five strangers are given access to miraculous technologies and unlimited resources with which they can save the world and change it forever.

But not everyone within the group is what he appears to be and before they can decide what to do with their new reality, they will need to overcome their own petty ambitions and root out the traitor within.

About the Author

David Roscoe was born in Carlisle, Cumbria, in 1970 and has worked hard to live a quiet, stress-free life ever since. He still has his own hair and teeth. In the late nineties he began writing for a radio industry publication and found it the ideal job, being blessed as he was with the perfect face for radio and the perfect voice for writing.

He is currently keeping a low profile in Sussex where he works on Book 2 of his Enclave trilogy, further exploring the character of Timothy Bruce, an individual who lives in constant fear of everyday life. And there are aliens too. In the book, not in David Roscoe’s life.

Enclave is dedicated to the memory of David’s parents.

Book Extract

Timothy Bruce slowly, silently, turned the handle to his front door and gently pulled it open. He winced as the hinges squealed and then silently cursed himself as the bottom of the door hit his foot. Clumsy.
Just as he was about to leave the flat he heard one of his neighbours unlocking their own door, about to come into the passageway. Timothy quietly pushed his door shut and waited inside, listening. He could hear someone leaving their flat, slamming then noisily locking the door before heading off down the passageway.
He had no idea who it was, had no idea who any of his neighbours were. Despite living in the same building for almost five years, Timothy Bruce had barely exchanged a dozen words with his neighbours and little more with anyone else.
The corridor once again silent, Timothy emerged and set off to perform his task.

Several doors further down the corridor, inside another unknown flat, a man sat motionless in a chair. The two-room apartment was completely devoid of furniture except for the chair and dusty, never raised blinds on the windows.
As Timothy passed his door the man’s eyes flicked open and looked to the wall behind which Timothy silently passed. The man, dressed in a dark green trench coat and heavy military-style boots, rose and moved to his own front door, his face set in a permanent scowl. He waited a few moments before exiting the flat and silently following Timothy down the corridor.

Moments later Timothy Bruce emerged onto the Bexhill-on-Sea High-Street. It was a dull autumn evening with a hint of drizzle in the air. Timothy always found himself at odds with this time of year. While he found the weather depressing, the streets did begin to quieten as winter set in.
It was no accident that almost all of the shops were closed and the streets were all but empty, for Timothy had chosen the time to leave his flat very carefully. It was too late for most shops to be open, and too early for the pubs and clubs to get into full swing. For the next hour or so the streets were his, with but a few people wandering home from work or getting their groceries.
That was what brought Timothy out on one of his rare trips into town. The need for food and other supplies.
Money was not really a problem. After his family’s death in a car accident Timothy learned of a trust fund set up by his parents upon his birth. The fund had been linked to a joint insurance policy in his parent’s names and ensured that, in the event of their deaths Timothy and his younger brother John would be able to support themselves.
As the only surviving member of his family Timothy inherited the family home which he lived in for a couple of years before everything started to go wrong. For the first year he was so depressed and shell-shocked about being left alone in the world that he left his job and lived on his inherited funds. Gradually the sadness lifted and for a short time he enjoyed his life, travelled around the world and did all the things people do when they suddenly find themselves wealthy.
Of course, such a lifestyle is unsustainable and before very long he came to realise his funds were quickly running out. First to go was the family home. The modest three-bedroom house was sold and he moved into his current two bedroom flat in the middle of town.
The second year after the family tragedy marked the beginning of a much harder phase in Timothy’s life. First came the worries about money. He realised that, far from being wealthy, he was haemorrhaging his savings at an alarming rate. Soon he was down to the trust fund set up by his parents, its monthly amount equivalent to the minimum wage paid to someone on a twenty hour a week job. Even with the flat paid for, it was barely enough to get by and Timothy’s lifestyle changed with it. He went out and socialised less and less and gradually started on the road to becoming a recluse.


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