By Phillip Hill
ISBN: 9781849913034
Published: 2010
Pages: 54
Key Themes: mental health, students, autobiography
Somehow Aidens world does not make sense any more. His neighbour keeps playing Duran Duran so he can not think. Fellow students comment on his frenzied dancing style at the Mega disco and he wonders whether all his life he has been too serious. Worst of all he can not stop thinking a petite freckled brunette called Janice.
Take the white knuckle ride of Aiden through the highs and lows of student life at Lanchester University through the frustration and devastation of mental illness, through therapy into a whole new unexpected world. This semi autobiographical account of student life and its aftermath will challenge you about what is and what is not possible.
Believe the unbelievable.
About the Author
Philip Hill was born in Birmingham in 1965 to a mother called Iris who had been in the mental health system for quite a while when she gave birth to him and his twin brother. Under the childrens legislation of the time she was seen as an unfit mother because she was diagnosed schizophrenia and not only was she separated from all her four children. she was discouraged from any contact with them. Iriss sister had a half sister Doris whose daughter Jessica and her husband Albert took him and his twin brother into care.
Before being taken into Jessica and Alberts care Philip and his brother languished in a childrens home during which they were neglected. By the time they had reached five they were behind in most of the psychological and emotional developmental milestones. Philip went to a special school till the age of nine and could not read properly until 10 years of age.
Despite the early disadvantage Philip developed to a high academic level and went on to study at Leicester University where he was to experience the first of his two nervous breakdowns.
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