
Dark Words to a Goddess



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By Julian Swinbourne

ISBN: 978-1-84747-455-1
Published: 2008
Pages: 200
Key Themes: poetry, paranoid psychosis, stress, work victimization, drug use, recovery


These are dark and beautiful poems evading simple description. Swinbourne has definitely found his voice in a very short period of time. Having put pen to paper, or perhaps fingertips to keyboard, only 3 years ago Swinbourne has now been published internationally and his poems have appeared on BBC radio.

About the Author

In July 2004 Swinbourne suffered a series of terrible losses including his father and his marriage. At the same time he was brave enough to speak up for justice at work and as a result he was victimised. All this came after 5 years of amphetamine use and in July he broke, being diagnosed with psychosis.


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