
Cycle Path, The


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By Fiona Whelpton


ISBN: 978-1-904697-55-8
Published: 2005
Pages: 72
Key Themes: conversion syndrome disorder, anxiety, abuse, activism, christianity

“After reading The Cycle Path I came away with a better understanding of the issues sufferers face and of the opportunities.” – Sir Nigel Crisp, Former NHS Chief Executive

“Delightful and full of expression and pathos.” – Sheila Johnson, Christian Herald


The remarkable story of a woman who suffers from and overcomes Conversion Syndrome Disorder (CSD), a rare, crippling and extremely frightening condition which causes physical paralysis bought on by anxiety. This real life story describes how Fiona experienced domestic abuse, family problems and how she managed somehow to overcome all this not knowing for years what her illness was. She is now a successful journalist and activist. The Cycle Path is an admirable story of hope and empowerment and is essential reading for all health workers and sufferers of similar conditions – particularly as CSD is so unknown and widely misunderstood.

About the Author

Fiona Whelpton was born in London in 1957 and now lives in Nottingham. As a youngster Fiona wanted to become a professional musician, but she couldn’t because it caused her too much stress – something that her condition dictates she must avoid. Instead she became interested in writing and read English Literature and Media at Nottingham Trent University. She is an accomplished poet having had an anthology of sketch work and poetry called ‘Patchwork Windows’ published with the Lost Artists group. In 2004 Fiona received the Snowden award for journalism which will allow her to pursue her dream of being a top journalist, she is currently working on several projects including a film version of ‘The Cycle Path’.

Book Extract

Dear Fiona,

I hope you are starting to recover from some of the black-outs and that they have started to subside. Can you remember the first time I saw you? I remember it very well. It had been on the way to work, on the cycle path. I always choose that way, because it is so much quieter than walking up the bridge and along the main road, where it is so noisy at that time in the morning. I love the cycle path in the autumn in particular, there are so many different colours in the leaves as they turn russet, gold, brown and orange. The Pyranthia bushes along the cycle path look wonderful as I cycle past them on a crisp, frosty morning.

It was completely unexpected to find someone lying there. It is so unusual, especially to come across somebody unconscious as you had been that day. The strangest thing about the situation was that the paralysis kept coming and going, and I felt so sorry because you were obviously in a great deal of pain. My job as a doctor is to help people get better or at least cope with pain, but in your case I felt completely useless. My first responsibility, if I couldn’t do anything for you personally, was to get you appropriate medical help. At least your house wasn’t very far away from where you fell. You are incredibly brave, it must be so frightening not to be able to feel anything underfoot. My apologies for suggesting that you might be able to walk to the car. It was completely insensitive.

I hope that by now you are more comfortable, that you have started being able to move around a bit more.

Do let me know, without any hesitation, if there is anything I can do to help you. I will contact you soon.



Also Available

‘The Musical Paintbox’ by Fiona Whelpton
Paperback / e-Book

9 reviews for Cycle Path, The

  1. Lewis Jacobs (verified owner)

    This is the story of a woman who had to experience episodes of interrupted walking, unconsciousness and loss of speech due to a rare mental health condition known as “Conversion Syndrome Disorder”. “The Cycle Path” was part of her recovery and can also be a remarkable help for those who suffer the same illness or those who want to understand it.

  2. Karen La Borde (verified owner)

    The Cycle Path is an inspirational story of a woman who transcends the obstacles of a rare mental illness, Conversion Syndrome Disorder (CSD), through her discovery of writing.
    For years Fiona lived in ignorance of her condition, CSD, a crippling and extremely frightening condition which causes the sufferer to become partly paralysed and unable to walk during times of stress and anxiety.
    She struggled against her disorder, which was exacerbated by domestic abuse and family problems.
    Yet, Fiona’s courage triumphed and she is now a successful journalist, publishing consultant for Chipmunka, and an activist.
    Fiona found liberation in telling her story.
    “I knew my long fight against being misunderstood and disempowered through being unable to walk properly for four years was over”, she said.
    Fiona’s story is one of faith and determination. She proves to her readers that mental illness should not be an obstacle to self – achievement.

  3. Jake Bristol (verified owner)

    The descriptions in Fiona Whelpton’s book are honest, gritty and – at times – beautifully poetic. A great achievement and breakthrough in writing. Look forward to reading her first full length novel soon.

  4. Fiona Thomas (verified owner)

    Fiona Whelpton’s story is amazing. Conversion syndrome is unknown to most people; read this book now to find out more about it. This book endeavours to raise awareness about this illness, and to ensure that people suffering from this illness do not feel alone in their suffering.

  5. Robert Short (verified owner)

    Great book. I advise everyboby to read it as soon as possible.

  6. Brian May (verified owner)

    I want to share my passion for a new book, THE CYCLE PATH. Please buy it and read it, your opinion about mental health problem is going to change with this book.

  7. Sarah Jackson (verified owner)

    Fiona Whelpton suffers from and overcomes Conversion Syndrome Disorder, a very rare illness which causes physical paralysis bought on by anxiety. In spite of experienced domestic abuse and family problems, this book is the story of hope and empowerment. She’s now a successful journalist.

  8. Becky Garcia (verified owner)

    How can Fiona keep her smile and her love of life while Mother Nature gave her a terrible mental illness called conversion syndrome disorder as a birth gift? Read this book and you will know this amazing woman and her original life.

  9. Roberto Lopez (verified owner)

    I think that is a very interesting book; I love the story of this woman. Read this wonderful tale about how anxiety can led to physical paralysis from the neck down and how an amazing woman faces up it and leads the road of improvement.

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