
Buddhism, Socialism & You-Valuism!


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ISBN: 978-1-84991-364-5
Published: 2017
Pages: 40
Key Themes: informative, personal experiences, mental health


This book is a gift (dana) dedicated to the Western Buddhist Sangha (order of monks and nuns) by the community of hope from South Asia presently in countries of the west in gratitude of their “de-sire”, service and response towards a new, more peaceful and kindlier world order which will be in line with all Buddhist traditions for a wider and more just peace held commonly between all sentient beings residing on Earth: Humans and animal life forms forever on.

Book Extract

Workers are the “army” of Socialism!!!


Some misunderstand the Socialist dilemma: How can you have world socialism with each nation state competing for power within a nation-state-system, making foreign invasion easy? Easy. Make the workers its target as the sole benefactor and responsibility for the safety of a foreseeable socialist order, Marxist-led, which heralds its stake in the new era, by instilling in its pride the ne-cessity for empowering themselves with the aim of defending Socialism itself prior to the national or later global army.
These were the words of Paula Right, author and journalist/top editor, after witnessing ample mis-takes in Marx’s (the workers’ army) role in literature and speech where no mention was made of the workers of each nation-unit as being, manifold, the army of Socialism for all.
She said: “When business-minded colonialism insists hard on others by foe by attempting to over-take foreign states, it is normally the armed forces of the home state that tackle it, or its civilians combined, guerrilla. Not so with Socialism. Here the workers cripple or shake/“influence” the economy for the enemy, not the clientele who are indigenous or kind migrants – fair”.
This is the difference between Socialism of the old kind known to us all, and, the new frontier of world Socialism wherein all borders can one-day end and the light of a borderless world with one international workers army capable of stopping and catastrophising any capitalist-led imperial effort of the few or the miserable can win!
After all, it is financial and monetary reasons, primarily, that instil cross-border rivalry anyway which the workers can worsen without jeopardising their own freedom because food and shelter can be shared! Civilians can help.
The Buddhists may know this, and call for it every day as, in combination, the 4 requisites the books and their talks often repeat!
Don’t’ balk at the foreseen in any rook by harping on at the defeat syndrome which says once known strategically it can be sidestepped because it’s hard to do this strong if done fairly, until the threat has gone. The real idea is making people aware that foreign invasions, however underhand, are simply wrong, so stand by it. You must, if we are to win Socialism once and for all, Paula or Ms. Right repeated.


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