The Jason Pegler Trilogy, of three books:
Description: A Can of Madness
A Can of Madness is the most honest autobiography ever written on manic depression and the pioneering patient’s memoir of its generation. A vivid, honest and sometimes disturbing memoir about the experience of having a diagnosis of manic-depression. Like other books in this genre, the author is often painfully honest about his experiences. He recounts a dizzying, dark and sometimes euphoric journey through a world of elation, despair, binge drinking, drugs, raves and psychiatric wards. As well as attempting to educate the reader, the book also provides optimism and hope, showing that it is finally possible to learn to live with, and accept, having a mental health problem. A Can of Madness also shows that if you have bipolar you can still lead a fulfilled life.
Description: Curing Madness
Curing Madness is an inspirational selection of works by manic depressive and mental health activist Jason Pegler which details the thought processes he used to help his sanity. It includes a couple of excellent scripts about his experiences of manic depression, rap lyrics, an essay that examines madness in Greek Mythology and a personal account of what happened to him after he published his seminal book ‘A Can of Madness’. Jason was so exhausted after writing A Can of Madness so he decided to put several different types of writing together in a kind of Selected Works so he could move on to his next books and gain some catharsis from seeing something else in print.
Description : ‘The Ultimate Guide to Well Being’
‘The Ultimate Guide to Well Being’ is Jason Pegler’s third book. The goal of the book is to achieve 100% ultimate well being by going through the tasks and exercises included and to have fun whilst doing it. Jason reveals the benefits of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, social entrepreneurship and harnessing creativity to the general public and people affected by mental health issues. Topics discussed in the book include; having a healthy mind, body and soul; knowing what is crucial to your happiness; inspiring yourself and having time for other people; how you can make the world a better place; connecting spiritually and making the impossible possible. Read this book and pass on the techniques to save and improve lives. ‘The Ultimate Guide To Well Being’ is the first recognised self help and NLP based book written by an author who has written an autobiography on manic depression. Jason Pegler is a leading ‘mental health service user’ of his generation.
About the Author
Jason Pegler is known internationally for his work as a social entrepreneur. He was born in Gloucester in 1975. He lives in London. He is the author of ‘A Can of Madness’, ‘Curing Madness’ and ‘The Ultimate Guide To Well Being’. He is also the CEO of Chipmunkapublishing. He dedicates his life to empowering people with mental health issues so that they can fulfill their potential and help others. He is also a rap artist, motivational speaker and mental health activist.
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