Inside Perceptions of Communication,
Interaction, Thoughts & Feelings
By Paul Isaacs
ISBN: 978-1-78382-071-9
Published: 2014
Pages: 37
Key Themes: Mental Health, Autism, Social Interaction, Austistic Spectrum, Feelings
This book is a collection of reflections and thoughts from a person on the Autism spectrum and their perspective on many different topics of life: communication, employment, selfhood, selflessness and how a person on the Autism spectrum interacts and processes the world around them.
It deals with many of the issues (both internal and external and from a personal perspective) that many people with autism have to deal with one way or another in their lives.
It also gives a foundation of what a person with autism can gain through experience and self-reflection on certain things that have happened in their lives. The author would like to inspire hope, drive and positivity to people on the spectrum and provide the thought that happiness and helping others is truly the key.
About the Author
Paul Isaacs was thought to have severe emotional mental health problems as infant, with referrals many times in his early years, he was thought to be “developmentally underage” in his late infancy. He was nonverbal, had speech delay and gained functional speech between the ages of 7-8 years old.
He was diagnosed with Autism in 2010 and Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome in 2012 with many learning difficulties and agnosias recognised.
He currently works for Autism Oxford where he presents speeches and training around the UK to many people including professionals and people on the spectrum.
Book Extract
Before Paul asked me to proofread this book I knew very little about autism, let alone how an autistic person thinks and feels. In this informative book Paul explains just that. He sets out his own thoughts and feelings in a clear and concise manner which is easy to read and digest. Paul gives his personal views on a whole range of subjects including early development, diagnosis, communication, emotions, relationships, education, employment and much more.
Drawing on his own life experiences Paul provides a unique insight which will be invaluable to others on the autism spectrum as well as anyone wishing to have a better understanding of how an autistic person thinks. Paul’s honesty is refreshing and, at times, very touching. Paul has truly found his niche in helping others through his work for Autism Oxford.
Thanks to Paul I now have a much better understanding of life from an autistic’s perspective.
Susan Rowling
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