Call Us What You Will
By Muriel Fisher
ISBN: 978-1-78382-6872
Published: 2024
Pages: 128
Key Themes: Mental Health, Self Help, Spirituality
An Angelic Awakening -Call us what you Will is a mind, body and spirit self help guide for life. This book is an autobiographical account of part of Muriel’s life combined with spiritual and Angelic channelled messages to help, uplift and inspire you. She recounts how just a few weeks before her father’s death they all find out about a family secret. Years after she then receives messages from her father telling her how important it is to forgive and be forgiven. In this book you will learn about your life long friends, your Guardian Angels and how to connect with them so you too can receive help and guidance, Can Angels save your life? Find out how God wants us to live our lives on this Earth by reading about what his Angels have to say about love, trust, forgiveness, being judgemental and taking personal responsibility. Share their profound wisdom about the disabled, suicides, euthanasia, near death experience, fallen comrades and death. Does Satan and hell exist and most importantly is there a future for this Earth?
About the Author
Muriel was born in Whitehaven Cumberland in 1957, moved to Leyland Lancashire when she was 7 and then to Northumberland in 2000. She is married to Ian and they have a son Ryan and a daughter Lianne, both are at University. Prior to attending University Ryan spent 6 years serving in the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers and had 2 tours in Iraq. Thankfully he came home and was uninjured but sadly others didn’t. Muriel would like to donate a share of the profits from this book to the wonderful Charity ‘Help for Heroes.’ This Charity gives help and support to all our wounded service men and women of the Armed forces, veterans and their families.
From an early age Muriel has always been interested in spiritual matters but didn’t start writing and channelling spiritual and Angelic messages until 1992. These messages were sent to help and inspire but they also explain how God wants us to live our lives upon the Earth. In 2010 she channelled a message in which God asked her to compile her work into a book so that his words of wisdom and the existence of his Angels could be shared with as many people as possible.
Muriel worked as a Manager in the Civil Service until 2008, helped her husband as a foster carer for a short while and is now currently working at a local supermarket.
Book Extract
Imagine if you had a friend who has promised to be there to help and assist you forever. Someone who will never judge you or get angry with you. A person you can call on any time day or night and they won’t say no, “I’m too busy”. Sounds impossible but it is true you have that friend around you every second of every day.
I have written this book because I have been asked to share with others the knowledge that God has given us all a gift, his Angels to help, uplift and inspire. All you have to do is ask them and listen. Now before all you sceptics out there drop this book like a red hot brick you don’t have to believe in God or Angels to receive help.
‘Call us what you will- we don’t mind’
I am an ordinary person who has been given the gift of automatic writing. Automatic writing is when you write words that you didn’t consciously form yourself. These words are channelled from a higher source and you are not aware of what you have written until you read it back. The style and words are also very different from what you would normally use yourself. It is a way I connect to my Angels and receive messages of wisdom, hope and inspiration from them. I have read that a lot of sceptics prefer this type of communication with the spiritual realms as they feel it is safer. So maybe deep down in my sub-conscious a little of the sceptic still remains.
I first started channelling messages about 20 years ago before I even believed in Angels. These messages were mainly help and guidance for myself from what I believed to be a spiritual source. I then got messages for my family and a few close friends. Gradually over the years I began to feel that I was searching for a purpose behind all of the messages. I asked God for some direction in my life and finally I got an answer….
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