
A Thread of Hope



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By Denise Fletcher

ISBN: 9781847474292
Published: 2007
Pages: 80
Key Themes: semi autobiographical poetry, prose and artistry , bi-polar, manic depression, healing power of creativity, spirituality in the life of the psychiatrized


Thread of Hope is more than a word salad. It reads like a zine exploring the boundaries of the mental illness system. This chapbook of semi autobiographical poetry, prose and artistry demonstrates the healing power of creativity and spirituality in the life of the psychiatrized.

About the Author

Denise Fletcher holds a degree in recreational therapy from Minnesota State University, Mankato and a massage practitioner certificate from the Minneapolis School of Massage. She struggles with bipolar disorder. Denise finds healing in the arts and writing is her passion. Her work has been published through On Edge, Kaleidoscope, Many Voices, Home Health Aide Digest, Hopekeepers Magazine, Open Minds Quarterly, Bloomington Art Center and other various venues.


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