
1 to 1 Annual Mentoring

Original price was: £60,000.00.Current price is: £50,000.00.

SKU Mentoring Categories ,

1 in stock


This offer is limited to 2 people a year, as I want to ensure that I provide the best service possible.

My mentoring program is £60,000 a year.

This mentoring package includes:

1) One day with me to plan your goals for the year, either at my house if you can travel to London, London Bridge or on the phone.

2) 12 x 1 hour monthly telephone calls to keep you focused and motivated on the goals you have set.

3) One copy of every audio product that I have ever recorded. These products include my 3 Day Seminar on Marketing and Mental Health Empowerment where people travelled as far from, America to attend at the Chipmunkapublishing offices when they were in Canary Wharf.

4) Free Highest Priority Unlimited Access by email to me for 12 months

5) Free publishing agreements for Chipmunkapublishing for up to 2 books during the 12 month period.

6) Business mentoring

7) Life coaching with me and mental health empowerment coaching.

Special Bonuses

You get for free all the home study courses developed by myself in CD, Mp3 and DVD format. This is over £12,000 worth of product alone.

You get X12 1 on 1 consultation’s with Jason Pegler for 1 hour where you can be mentored on whatever you want over the 12 month period.


Be prepared to take notes. Be positive, focused and reach for the skies.

This will put you in the necessary state to get the most out of the program and take massive action and huge strides forward over the year.

You will receive the ultimate success formula for whatever aspects of your dreams you want to implement Health, Wealth, Money, Finance, Fitness, Speed, Endurance, Happiness, Goal Setting, Time Management, Empowerment, Following Through, Solving the jigsaw of life so you can feel and be the Ultimate success you day dream about every now and then and then lose when your analytical mind interrupts you from flow and raising your game.

The conversations will take place on the telephone.

You will receive a mountain of home study courses at the start of the program to wade through throughout the year. Unlike other personal development and business mentoring programs you will receive all these products at once so you can learn them and memorize them throughout the mentoring. Then you can ask Jason how to improve your results during each consultation throughout the year.

The Home Study Courses contain information on how to have Super Confidence, How to write a best selling book, How to set up your own successful business, how to promote your own brand, how to be happy, how to be: successful, market yourself, be the best you can be in every aspect of your life, gain international media coverage time and again for free, gain volunteers for free whenever you want and as many as you want.

The Home Study Courses are on CD, DVD Format, Mp3 so you can take them with you whatever technology you are using and wherever you go. The courses are massively content driven containing the best Information on how to become more successful in every aspect of every area of your life and be able to watch them on your computer, iPhone or television if you are hooked up and practice the exercises that Jason uses to transform his life and the lives of thousands of people around the world. Get in there and get the ULTIMATE SUCCESSFUL LIFE SYSTEM before the rest of the world finds out about it. Understand it on a conscious as well as a sub conscious level and then implement it every second of every day.

Remove the analytical mind and live in the now and in a state of flow. Live from a state of abundance, gratitude, certainty, empowerment, charge and blessings. Rediscover the life you have always dreamt of and make it happen immediately.

Learn to design the life of your dreams. Nailing this down is probably the most difficult thing you will ever do in your life. Once you have Mastered The Ultimate Success Formula you can contribute to making the world a better place. You will feel the love of the Universe but also have real life strategies that you can harness to achieve the Ultimate success in your heart, spirituality, relationships, fitness, intellect, emotional intelligence and super conscious mind. Discover not only back to the future thinking but forward to make the past more congenial thinking. Forgive yourself instantly for any mistakes and learn how to know yourself.

You will also be offered a publishing agreement with Jason who will brand you with your own book with your unique publishing company name or if that’s to big a step for you then you will have other books published for free by Chipmunkapublishing providing the content is written before the year ends. Whichever option you chose this will save you years of promoting yourself.

Jason has published over 900 people and 2000 titles since he began publishing in 2001 and helped over 500 authors obtain multi national media coverage. You can be published for life if you want to or his home study courses will teach you how to do it yourself successfully.

You will also learn to take action from someone who has spent 18 years studying the most advanced transformational, hypnotic, empowerment techniques used in the world today. Master the real secret and the laws of success. Discover techniques and opportunities that will blow your mind and catapult you into feeling how you really want to feel about your life.

Reach your Super Success Potential and become a role model for many of others around the world. Plug into the advanced consciousness of the world and enjoy life as it is meant to be.

This is a decision that you can choose at any time. Choose to grow every day and when you feel the stress decide to grow even more instead of stepping back into your own shadow.

You also receive free Unlimited Access by email to Jason for the 12 months you are part of the mentoring program.

I am looking to find the next me to be honest. I am looking to train somebody up that I can have either take over a key role in the publishing company or inspire to go to the next level and join me in becoming one of the world leader’s in mental health empowerment.

I am looking for someone who is totally committed in improving themselves i.e. their skills and their reach. I am looking for someone who has the ability to follow instruction, work in a team and work on their own. I am looking for someone who is confident that they can improve the mental health of others, is prepared to take massive action on a daily basis and has the psychology of a winner.

Kindest regards

Jason Pegler

Owner of Chipmunkapublishing


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