
In April 2015 Chipmunkapublishing launched a brand new imprint, ‘Chipmunka Classics’

Chipmunka has been awarded Arts Council funding to publish five books between April 2015 and January 2016. Every author that follows the standard submission process was considered for the Chipmunka Classics imprint and we now have our five incredible titles ready to be published.

The second Chipmunka Classics title comes from poet Peter Vealey.

Here’s what Peter had to say about his new title….

This is my third book of poetry titled, “Poetry and Assorted Pieces of Clothing”
Written throughout my life, hopes, sojourn and failures.
A mix of variety of places and people.
The Political, the social, the animal in me.
Dedicated to Poetry Kind and Human Kind.
Sixty Years of Dreaming of a better world.
The most general and true to my spirit
Of loving humanity,
Yet without a clue where to find it.

Peter’s Chipmunka Classics title ‘Poetry and Assorted Pieces of Clothing’ is available now from the chipmunka shop ….

You can find some amazing videos of Peter’s poetry on the Chipmunka Classics YouTube channel here..

We have now launched our social media channels to promote the Classics authors and their work.  You can find Chipmunka Classics on…

& Google+

So make sure you ‘like’, ‘subscribe’, ‘follow’ and ‘friend’ us to stay up to date with the Chipmunka Classics releases.

Best wishes always,

Jason Pegler

CEO Chipmunka Publishing

You can find more info on my website

or contact me on Twitter: @jasonpegler   or   Google+: +JasonPegler