
A few months ago we were giving away some brand new home study courses and now they are back for one week only!  We had a fantastic response to these last time around and we want to make sure this content is getting to as many people as possible.

In 1 week these will return to their retail price of £47 each, so make sure you download these amazing ‘How To..’ Home study courses for FREE…

How To Write A Successful Book For Your Marketplace –

How To Be A Successful Author –

How To Build Your Own Brand Online and In Person –

How To Master Sales, Persuasion and Presentation Skills –

How To Write A Book And Stop Procrastinating –

Unlimited Confidence – Smashes the Fear of Mental Illness —

Share this with friends, family, carers, sufferers, survivors and health professionals.  If you think that somebody could benefit from these courses then let them know.

Best wishes always,

Jason Pegler

CEO Chipmunka Publishing

You can find more info on my website

or contact me on Twitter: @jasonpegler   or   Google+: +JasonPegler