
With so many new social media channels popping up and a never ending list of ways to connect with people, I thought it would be a good idea to compile a short list of the best ways to get in touch or find Chipmunka content on the web.


We have over 90 videos on everything from mental health empowerment, stigma, testimonials and even some archive television appearances from myself on BBC News, ITV and more.

Facebook & Twitter

We use these to keep you up to date with all the latest news, offers and calls for writing submissions.  We’ll also post a video or photo from time to time.  These channels, along with email of course, are the best way to contact us.


Like YouTube we have a lot of free content for personal development and publishing/marketing advice available via iTunes.

Share this with friends, family, carers, sufferers, survivors and health professionals.  If you think that somebody could benefit from this content then let them know.

Best wishes always,

Jason Pegler

CEO Chipmunka Publishing

You can find more info on my website

or contact me on Twitter: @jasonpegler   or   Google+: +JasonPegler